Modern technology at its best/worst
As with any new technology, cell phones are a mixed blessing. As a device that allows people to stay in constant touch with others, regardless of where they are, it's a godsend. But in the hands of people who have no regard for others - a seemingly growing segment of the population - at least in New Jersey - there seems to be no limit to its downside: The threat posed to public safety by people who use them while driving. The annoyance of ringers going off in inappropriate places - including the workplace. The cheesy computer-generated music that tells the user - and all those around him or her - that someone is calling. The loud conversations you have no interest in hearing, on crowded buses, trains, theater lobbies and public restrooms. The unwanted intrusions on golf courses, beaches and other places where people try to find refuge from the onslaught of technology.
You don't think your use of the cell phone is irritating others? Chances are, you're wrong.
Cell phones are menace to society.
If they make it OK to use them planes I guess I will have to drive everywher or invest in an illegal cell phone signal blocker,
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