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GannettUSA Today

Wednesday, March 07, 2007

Where did Carla get the money?

Carla Katz, CWA president and former girlfriend of Gov. Corzine, paid $1.1 million in cash a few months ago for a condo in Hoboken, the Star-Ledger reported today. She has refused to say where she got the money to pay for it. She can pretty much kiss her union career good-bye. And Corzine's political career could come to a premature end if doesn't finally come clean on the exact nature of the gifts he gave Katz before they split up.

The condo, Katz says, is not her primary residence. She uses it to crash when she attends classes at Seton Hall Law School. Corzine forgave Katz a $470,000 interest-free loan on her primary residence in Hunterdon County shortly after they broke up in 2004. He said later that he did so because he didn't think Katz had the means to repay the loan. But somehow she found the means to buy the condo, build a 3,200-square-foot addition to her house in Hunterdon - complete with a swimming pool, spa and septic system - and pay rent on another home in Hunterdon while the work is being completed on her primary residence.

Oh, yes, the attorney who represented Katz in her Hoboken real estate transaction was one of the lead negotiators Corzine hired to work on the recently negotiated CWA contract - one that again put the screws to taxpayers.

Chris Christie and the IRS need to put their best people on this case. The ramifications could be staggering.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

What did ypu expect. This was public information before the election. He was dating her, and gave her gifts, and forgave loans.

Yet he was elected now everyone is shocked. I think stupid is more correct.

Come the next election NJ will again vote him in. There is no limit to the stupidy of the NJ voter.

10:42 AM, March 14, 2007  

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