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GannettUSA Today

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

New home for my blog

My blog, "New Jersey: The Good, the Bad and the Ugly," has moved to our brand-new Web site. Please visit me there.


Blogger Unknown said...

dear sir . in reguard to school prayer it's totally legal as our oath to be an American citizen. gives each And everyone of us these god given rights to pray openly anywhere at anytime amen . as this oath makes everyone taking it .swear on the bible. to honor god and our country . amen . and all who are against it . and all who break it should lose their citizenship. and be illegals here in America .amen . and be deportewd at once amen . as this poath forbids them to be here in A merica,. amen. their should not be even one astheist still here in America . amen. take back our country now deport those whio arec againstb our oath. amen.

12:33 PM, April 28, 2014  

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