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GannettUSA Today

Tuesday, February 21, 2006

The new DMV indeed

I went to the Eatontown Motor Vehicle Inspection Station early this morning to get my license renewed. Although I had heard how the DMV had gotten its act together in recent days, I brought plenty of reading material with me just in case. I never needed it. The whole process, from start to finish, took less than 15 minutes.

I dealt with four different people, all efficient and courteous, and my longest wait for anything was about 1 minute - while they were developing my photo and finalizing my new license.

Who to thank? Other than the DMV employees themselves, Diane Legreide, former DMV chief under Gov. McGreevey and later chief of operations and management under Gov. Codey, deserves the most credit for turning the agency around.

It just goes to show what a difference good management can make - even in government.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Put this lady in charge of property tax reform ASAP.

1:55 PM, February 23, 2006  

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