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GannettUSA Today

Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Sales tax politically palatable?

Gov. Corzine is apparently leaning toward raising the sales tax to generate new revenue because polling suggests it would generate the least amount of outrage from taxpayers. If Corzine does indeed hike the sales tax from 6 percent to 7 percent, as his aides have hinted he is considering, that will put New Jersey near the top in that tax category as well. Only California, which has a 7.25 percent sales tax, has a higher rate than 7 percent. Three states have a 7 percent sales tax - Mississippi, Tennessee and Rhode Island.

New Jersey doesn't need higher taxes in any category - property, income, sales or business. What it needs is public officials with the guts to reduce wasteful spending.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

New Jersey officals still don't get it .....CUT SPENDING....end of story,why must we endure more taxes for there mismanagment ..take back medical coverage ,take back pensions ...CUT SPENDING....or lets have a recall I live in Little Silver my property tax is over 20,000.00 and that's already 35% of my income

8:08 AM, March 16, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

absolutely clueless, both parties.cut the waste in the duplication of governments-state, county, local.
merge, consolidate, downsize by attrition, get rid of 600 school boards. there should never be a full blown school district operating for one elementary school.
Governer Corzine, are you listening?

8:36 AM, March 16, 2006  

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