McGreevey's 'painfully honest' book
"I knew I would have to lie for the rest of my life - and I knew I was capable of it,'' he wrote. ''The knowledge gave me a feeling of terrible power.''
So, he lived out the charade, hanging out at go-go bars, becoming "as avid a womanizer as anybody else on the New Jersey political scene" and, of course, getting married twice. All in the name of advancing his political career.
McGreevey calls the book ''painfully honest.'' Painful to whom? To him? To his family? To the wives he deceived? To his two young daughters, who will one day be forced to grapple with his ''painfully honest'' revelations. If he had any character at all, and any concern for his family, he would have turned down the $500,000 book deal, kept his story to himself and moved on with his life.
Instead, he opted for the money and what he hopes will be newfound fame and martrydom. It's downright shameful.
McGreevey's contempt for the citizens of New Jersey was on-display from the getgo, when he first exhibited his two-faces to public view.
Jimbo calculatedly hid the real story about himself to get into office. Had McGay not been so stupid as to place his Israeli lover in a key government postion, Jimmy would be headed for higher office.
McGreevey was a duplicitous candidate who lied to voters about his lifestyle and scammed them into voting for him, chiefly by making a sham marriage.
Two weeks after then-Woodbridge Mayor McGreevey proposed marriage to Dena, he was in Israel locking eyes with lovebird Golan Cipel, then brought Cipel to NJ, and set him up in an apartment closeby for late night visits. Ciple later complained McG hounded him for sex.
Jimbo then got Dena wed and pregnant just in time for the governor's race---and some nice photo-ops.
Later, when it became clear McGreevey had broken numerous state and federal laws, not the least of which was putting lover Golan Cipel in charge of our safety and security, McGreevey "outed " himself, and
conveniently became a "victim" in order to cash in later.
Now he wants the gullible to believe he "struggled" with being a closet homoseual.
Were it not for the atrocity of political correctness, many people who knew of his deception would have spoken up.
It remains for New Jersey taxpayers to find out the price tag they had to pay for Jimmy to shut Cipel up. They both beat the law, with Cipel absconding to Israel, getting off scot-free from having to face the music for their numerous crimes against the state.
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