A tea party in Jackson
A new citizens group called the Jackson Tea Party has formed, with the goal of getting the current mayor and council out of office ASAP. The first opportunity - unless they opt for the recall route - is in 2008. They expect to launch a Web site - www.jacksonteaparty.com - in the next day or two.
Here are some snippets from a release they sent out announcing their formation:
"Now that the Regular Republicans have increased our taxes by 30% -- without the least bit of hesitation, remorse or shame -- it is critical that the residents of Jackson Township focus on the actions of this regime and respond accordingly -- at the polls.
"The budget proposed by Mark Seda included the largest tax increase in the history of Jackson Township raising the property taxes of residents by 30%. This Township Council -- Stallone, Ingram, Gudaitis, Updegrave and Martin -- was faced with a simple choice. They could represent and protect the interests of the residents who they were elected to serve, and fight the Mayor and his tax increase. Or, they could represent and protect the interests of their political bosses, Mark Seda, Bill Santos and Dick Borys, and fully support the tax increase. What choice did Stallone, Ingram, Gudaitis, Updegrave and Martin make? . . .
"This Township Council did not cut one cent from the tax increase. They did not challenge or oppose any aspect of the budget. . . They unanimously adopted the tax increase.
"The Regular Republicans assume we have short memories. They assume that we will forget the lies they told us about "'tax cuts" and "fiscal responsibility" during their campaign. They assume that we will forget the impact of this 30% tax increase on our homes and families. They assume that we will forget that we were taxed by Mr. Seda without representation by our Township Council.
"Will we forget? What we say at the polls in May, 2008 will be the answer."
According to Whois, the domain registration for JacksonTeaParty.com comes back to some organization calling themselves "Republicans for Jackson, Inc." Moreover, the registration is private and those who bought the name have opted not to leave the name of a contact.
Domain Registration Information
I'm not sure how much credibility I'd give to some political organization that lacks the courage to tell the people of Jackson who they are.
The contacts for the group are Robert Schiappacasse, who helped spearhead the drive to change Jackson's form of government, and Kathy Mallette. The phone number provided for the Jackson Tea Party is 732 833-8455.
The Jackson Tea Party Web site went up on Wednesday. It includes contact numbers and the names of its "initial trustees" - Robert Schiappacasse, Carl Book, Michael Hoffman, David Ossowski, Michael Reina, Dan Gross, Ralph Sicuranza and Kathy Mallette.
It is getting to the point in this town that we will be forced out of our homes and the community that we help built. I find it incredible to believe that no other source of viable additional income could have been found but at the cost of the average homeowner who is struggling enough to pay their mortgage. This is the prime reason why we are forced to move out of state!
It is disgusting that my taxes have gone up over $2,000 a year for a modest size house at a decent price. This has resulted in my monthly mortgage payment going up around $300.00 to replenish the tax escrow.
I was dismayed that Mayor Seda recently stated that it is the fault of the School Board and Governor Corzine that our MUNICIPAL taxes went up over 30%.
That is bull dinky.....Mayor Seda and his Council raised the Municipal Tax Rate, not the school board or the Governor.
What a mistake this town made voting Seda in... More importantly, it is important to consider that more people voted for Giblin or Kafton for Mayor then did for Seda directly. It is clear that Seda is a fluke of an elected official and the time will come (so long as only 2 candidates run) that Seda and his taxing council will be history.
Problem is, I do not know how many people can afford the taxes until May of 2008...
Mark Seda will be the biggest mistake in Jackson history.
He has taxed many people out of the affordability of their residences.
Seda and his council should be ashamed....
Mark Seda, what a disaster...
I cannot wait to see what type of salary he and his council take...
raise our taxes and take a huge salary...
it is Janaury of 2007 and he went into office in July of 2006, and he can't still come up with his salary...
he thinks the people don't notice, but those who vote haven't missed a thing....
Our town has noticed what this newly elected group has been doing. Aside from raising our taxes and appointing all the ex-mayors, associates from Toms River and from their Jackson club, absolutely nothing. Nothing in the way of additional services for our tax money. It appears that all those campaign promises were forgotten. 2008 is not that far away.
My God, you people are stupid.
I guess it completely escapes you that the whole reason for the tax hike was to cover the losses of the PREVIOUS administration!
Did you take a look at the budget proposed by the outgoing admin? The rate increase was there too, it HAD to be, they finally realized they had to pay the bills they were writing.
The last administration was bloated, useless, and hemorrhaging money left and right. Did you talk to the town CFO? Do you know what she said about Kafton and company?
You idiots need a wake up call.
The tax hike in Jackson is akin to highway robbery.
I think the current administration needs to reevaluate its priorities and what is important and necessary for the people of Jackson.
Having seen the multitude of for sale signs and talks with people who were put off from moving to Jackson by the taxes, a change is in order.
I also wonder why people hide behind "Anonymous" when they choose to levy a rant against other opinions. If you have something to say, have the decency and courage to stand behind your words.
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