Judge contests divorce editorial
He said 44 other states have laws similar to the one New Jersey is considering and that there is no evidence those laws have resulted in any increase in divorces or decrease in reconciliations. He also noted that the N.J. Legislature in 1999 passed the same bill now being considered by state lawmakers. But then-Gov. Christine Todd Whitman conditionally vetoed it because she favored a 12-month timetable instead of six months. The Legislature refused to go along with it.
Here's today's editorial: http://www.app.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20061117/OPINION/611170402/1029.
What's your view about this, or about any other aspect of the state's divorce laws?
Great post, Margaret. If I could add one thing, it would be that Catholics seeking to marry do more than merely wait one year before marrying. (I know you know that, but others might not.)
A generation ago, the whole "pre-cana" process involved little more than a couple of meetings with a priest or deacon. Now engaged Catholic couples go on retreats, talk with other married couples, take Natural Family Planning classes, study The Catechism of The Catholic Church and even meet with financial planners before receiving the green light to walk down the aisle. In short, marriage is treated like the vocation that it is.
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