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GannettUSA Today

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Power List top heavy with political bosses has released its 2007 Power List 100 of the state's most influential people. At the top of the list is Attorney General and Chief Justice-designate Stuart Rabner. Runner-up is political boss George Norcross III, CEO of Commerce National Insurance. Of Norcross, it says, "His ability to raise money - quickly and in large denominations - can stop a team of oxen dead in their tracks. He doesn't let people tell him no, and gets that few New Jersey politicians have the testicular fortitude to turn him down anyway." Sad, but true.
Two other political bosses are in the top 10 - Bergen County Democratic Chairman Joseph Ferriero and Essex County Democratic power broker Stephen Adubato Sr. Others on the Top 10 list include Gov. Corzine's ex-girlfriend, Carla Katz, State Treasurer Brad Abelow, Star-Ledger reporter Josh Margolin, U.S. Attorney Christopher Christie and Corzine Chief of Staff Thomas Shea.
My boss, Skip Hidlay, is the only newspaper editor on the list.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's a sad commentary on the "testicular fortitude" of New Jersey citizens that none have seen fit to comment on this article. We know already that the governor and our legislators and our freeholders and our State, County and Municipal prosecutors lack the testicular fortitude to do what is right and honorable (I can hear them laughing at `right and honorable'). And it seems that the beaten-down, given-up citizens of New Jersey don't have the testicular fortitude to stand up to the abuse they take.

It's time to organize the women of the state, they can do a job on anything they set their minds to. Maybe, if they each get a copy of "Lysistrata", they can apply the method to state power players and wanna-be power players and their excruciating chutzpah and bring all those power people down from their grand perches. Such elitism doesn't belong in the public sector. In the private sector, okay, let them get as powerful as they like. But don't go around being a big shot on my dime.

10:54 PM, July 16, 2007  

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