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Monday, June 26, 2006

Beck campaign off to early, shameless start

If you thought you would be getting a year off from the shameless political mailings from candidates for the state Legislature, think again.
Freshman Republican Assemblywoman Jennifer Beck, who has been in office less than six months and isn't up for election for another 16 months, sent out a glossy one-page mailer last week to homes in her district attacking Gov. Corzine, along with her district Democratic colleagues, state Sen. Ellen Karcher and Assemblyman Michael Panter, for supporting a new tax on hospital beds. The tax was proposed by Corzine and has been off the table for some time. Karcher and Panter came out against the tax about six weeks ago. No matter. That small fact appeared nowhere in the ad.
We agree with the essence of the mailing, which is that the Corzine and the Democrats need to cut government waste rather than raise taxes. But slamming two colleagues from the district in a campaign mailing nearly a year and a half before the election?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

some women just can't walk away from a good cat fight

6:53 PM, June 26, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Shameless would be the best word to describe NJ Republicans AND Democrats. Maybe in her spare time, this Rep. individual should direct her efforts at a $5 billion budget deficit.

Speaking of shameless, it's budget balancing week.
Call it what you'd like - a farce, mockery, sham, circus.
We prefer the word "embarrassment."
Legislators are scrambling to make last-minute deals with our tax money. Not that they asked our permission. They never do.
Their words - not ours. "... New Jersey has a spending problem - NOT a revenue problem."
They're all talk.
Just watch the circus this week.
They won't do a damn thing about the budget.
Then on July 1, they'll parade around Trenton (laughing) like they're the greatest people in government.
Gov. Corzine's words: "... a contract is a contract ..."
Our words: AN OATH IS AN OATH.
All lawmakers took an oath to represent the best interest of the people - NOT THEIR INTEREST.

(Please continue to send letters, e-mails & call your legislators before July 1)

“New Jersey Citizens Against”
Web Site Home Page
State of New Jersey
Governor Corzine
Legislators Web Site
Legislative Roster

10:10 PM, June 26, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

you can call and e-mail all you want Trenton does NOT listen to N J taxpayers...plain and simple the sales tax WILL GO through under the premise of lowering property tax .....SMOKE and mirrors....sad to say moving away is the only to beat the TAX....

9:27 AM, June 27, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Beck did nothing wrong. If she sent the flyer out six months before the election, you would have called it election year posturing. If she sends it now, she is campaigning way too early.

And Ellen Karcher's promise not to support a particular tax is worthless. She just voted in lock-step with the Democrats to support one of the largest tax hikes in state history.

6:32 AM, July 08, 2006  

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