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GannettUSA Today

Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Good news for defense attorneys

People subject to fits of road rage and other bursts of anger aren't simply boorish idiots, a new National Institute of Mental Health study found. They suffer from intermittent explosive disorder, which afflicts up to 16 million Americans - most of whom can be found on New Jersey's streets and highways.
"People think it's bad behavior and that you just need an attitude adjustment, but what they don't know . . . is that there's a biology and cognitive science to this," says Dr. Emil Coccaro, chairman of psychiatry at the University of Chicago medical school. Coccaro said the disorder involves inadequate production or functioning of serotonin, a mood-regulating and behaviour-inhibiting brain chemical.
Defense attorneys must be drooling over this latest study. It gives them yet another way to justify anti-social behavior. "His serotonin deficiency made him do it."
Can't behavior - good or bad - be explained these days by anything other than chemical imbalances? Don't character, ethics and respect for others have anything to do with it?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Seratonin or no seratonin, what's with these road-rage types? These clowns get personally offended when someone else has their car where they feel their own car should be. Someone ought to tell them that there are far more significant issues in life to worry about.

11:22 AM, June 09, 2006  

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