Esquire backs all NJ incumbents but Garrett
The magazine also endorsed Robert Menendez in the U.S. Senate race. "Tom Kean Jr., son of the former New Jersey governor," the endorsement read, "is relying on his name and cheap attacks in his run to replace incumbent Menendez. Unfortunately, his charge that Menendez was involved in a major kickback scandal in the state in the early 1980s has proved not just exaggerated but blatantly untrue."
Saxton received a backhanded endorsement: "Anyone who in defending the Bush tax cuts calls the federal income tax 'steeply progressive' opens himself to questions regarding his intellectual honesty. That said, Saxton has a history of bucking the GOP establishment, especially on environmental issues."
Of Smith, the magazine said, "Smith's respect for life cuts both ways. One the one hand, he's an especially vocal opponent of abortion rights; on the other, he strongly opposes his party's cozy economic relations with nations (China, Vietnam, Saudi Arabia) widely known to abuse human rights. All in all, he comes out looking good."
The editors of Esquire, much like the editors of The Asbury Park Press, are good for one thing: sticking their collective and cowardly fingers to the wind and endorsing whomever the latest polls show is winning. Heaven forbid that either spineless organization risks losing the right/opportunity to interview a sitting official, which just might happen if they picked a loser. "Endorse the apparent winner" is their mantra, regardless of whether their individual endorsements appear contradictory. (e.g., Vote for Ultra-Conservative Smith in District # 1 but Vote for Ultra-Liberal Jones in District # 2.)
On an unrealted note, your editors recently asked readers for suggestions on how to improve The APP web site. I made precisely those suggestions on Michael "No Talent" Riley's blog. Look under his thread entitled "The Future of Journalism ... It's All About Me."
Just read the comments by Robert Municchi regarding the GOP bribing voters with free food! But it wasn't FDR that said or promised a "Chicken in every pot!" It was Herbert Hoover, another "illustrious" Republican who had borrowed that line from Henry IV in 1610. "I want there to be no peasant in my realm so poor that he will not have a chicken in his pot every Sunday." Unfortunately he also said, right before the 1932 election, on October 25th, that "The grass will in the streets of a hundred cities." It took FDR to rid the streets and open lots of "Hoovervilles." It will take a Democratic Congress in 2007 to rid us of the excesses and failures of a more modern and malevalent day Hoover, one George W. Bush!
RJ Garfunkel
Tarrytown, NY
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