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GannettUSA Today

Thursday, September 27, 2007

So long summer, hello election season

After a wonderful summer in which most of my vacation time and much of my free time on weekends was spent sampling beaches in Ocean and Monmouth Counties - from Beach Haven to Barnegat Light to Bay Head to Spring Lake to Ocean Grove to Asbury Park - it's back to reality. The November elections are fast approaching.

For myself and the other members of the Press editorial board, that means spending much of the next month cloistered with political candidates for various offices to help us determine which ones to endorse. This week, we met with six sets of candidates. In all-too-many cases, the quality in terms of experience, knowledge and understanding of issues, and ability to articulate wasn't what we were hoping for. There were some exceptions. Yesterday, for instance, we met with 9th District Senate candidates Christopher Connors, the Republican incumbent, and Democrat Russell Corby, longtime mayor of Pine Beach and onetime chief of staff to former state Sen. John Russo Sr.
Both men knew what they were talking about. Both men disagreed on issues like gentlemen. Both men showed respect for one another. It's too bad they couldn't be cloned.


Blogger said...

Your paper should endorse no one.

You are the only daily in two counties. You have a monopoly on daily reading here.

It's like having one party government or a dictatorship.

There is too much influence held by a paper with no competition. By endorsing candidates you are meddling in the election process unfairly.

Now, no one can stop you, but it is a matter of ethics. We have to rely upon you to police yourselves in that regard.

Will you act ethically and not endorse candidates, considering your monoply position?

What do you have to say about that?

6:59 AM, September 28, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Please don't put reality and politicians from NJ in the same paragraph.

1:50 PM, September 28, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Considering that the APP endorsed almost the entire slate of Republicans the last time around, I agree, no more endorsements.

11:59 PM, September 28, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks to justifiedright. And on a related note, because of my negative comments about how the Press runs it's business, I found out I've been BANNED from posting comments in forums and on articles pertaining to ethics! Having a lock on the information that is allowed must be some fun, huh Randy? I guess if we critize the Press in your blog, we'll be silenced here too. Ethics does not just pertain to poitics or public office holding; it applies to the way you live your life. Good luck with that..

9:02 AM, September 30, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

On a lighter note...I've met with Chris Connors in regard to certain issues I am passionate about. He is a good man. And he is a gentleman, like you said.

7:45 PM, September 30, 2007  

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