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GannettUSA Today

Friday, April 14, 2006

IRS is my tax accountant

I had considered paying someone to do my taxes this year, but thought better of it. I usually do them myself, but there were some fresh circumstances that promised to complicate matters on my 2005 returns. However, after reading a few weeks ago about how a government study found that commercial tax preparers made errors in each of the 19 returns that were analyzed, I decided to give it another whack. Why pay someone to foul up my returns when I can do it myself for nothing.

With the filing deadline just three days away, I'm still not finished. But I finally have all the information I need to complete the job. When I hit snags, I turned to the IRS. I called its 800 number twice. In both cases, I got through to someone quickly and in both cases they answered my questions courteously and promptly.

For people faced with complicated business and capital gains tax issues, a tax accountant is a must. For peons like myself, I'd rather get free advice from the IRS when I have a question than pay a commercial preparer - many of whom apparently don't trouble themselves to do the same when they are faced with uncertainty.

Would my taxes be done by now if I had paid someone else to do it for me? Probably. But I'd rather save a few bucks - and get it done right.

See you in line at the post office Monday.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

It is hard for me to believe that a reasonably literate person is that stupid. It must be that, as newspaper story tellers often do, you have chosen to pretend that you don't understand reality.

8:45 AM, April 21, 2006  

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