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Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Ultimate stupidity

Who says our Legislature isn't looking out for the best interests of New Jersey's citizens? On Monday, it found time in its busy schedule to pass a bill that would create a commission to study how to attract more boxing, wrestling and ultimate fighting events to New Jersey. That's just what this state needs. More violence.
Many states prohibit ultimate fighting, or mixed martial arts, as it also is known. Some people refer to it as "human cockfighting." Sen. John McCain called for a national ban on ultimate fighting, describing it as a "disturbing and bloody competition which places the contestants at great risk for serious injury or even death. And it should not be allowed to take place anywhere in the United States. It appeals to the lowest common denominator in our society."
In fairness, the sport isn't totally brutal. Under rules adopted by the Nevada Athletic Commission to make the sport a bit less barbaric, fouls are assessed for head butting, hair pulling, biting, spitting, eye gouging, groin attacks of any kind, putting a finger into any orifice or into any cut or laceration on an opponent, kneeing or kicking the head, throwing an opponent out of the ring and holding on to the shorts of an opponent.
What's the penalty for these infractions? Disqualification? Suspension? No, a point is deducted from a participant's score. If the foul doesn't incapacitate a fighter, it's pretty much "no harm, no foul."
Most study commissions represent the kiss of death to the subject under review. Let's hope that's the case with this one, should it ever gain approval in the Assembly and the blessing of Gov. Corzine.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Even regular boxing is barbaric. Consider: Dog fights and cock fights are illegal. Bullfighting is not allowed on American soil. Gladiators went out of style centuries ago. Yet we allow two young men to beat each other (to death, if they want) in a boxing ring. Did you know a boxer is allowed to kill his opponent, without penalty, as long as he doesn't violate the usual basic rules?

12:32 PM, June 27, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Who needs a commission on boxing and fighting? We already have the Sopranos.

6:06 PM, June 27, 2006  
Blogger Art Gallagher said...

How much is this commission going to cost?

Since the legislature can't agree on a budget, and can't agree on how to punish corrupt public servants, maybe this commission could solve the budget gap by creating a pay per view program of corrupt politicians fighting to the death with only the winner getting a pension.

6:02 AM, June 28, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Great, this is what our legislaters view as a top priority for new jersey.

9:18 AM, July 05, 2006  

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