Kids not the only ones being exploited
I went on a toy reconnaissance mission with my 3-year-old son over the weekend, visiting stores with reputations for the lowest prices. I was stunned by how expensive everything was. Most of the stuff my son had any interest in seemed grossly overpriced - even the stocking stuffers.
About three-quarters of the toys on the shelves of U.S. stores are manufactured elsewhere. An estimated two-thirds of the imported toys come from mainland China, where wages and working conditions are abysmal. China has lowered the bar so far that it has actually taken business away from Santa sweatshops in far less prosperous Asian countries. If every toy carried a description of the conditions under which they were made, the age of the person who made it and the salary they were paid to do so, toy sales would plummet.
Toy manufacturers know how difficult it is for parents to deny their children things they want and feel they need. It's shameful they have seen fit to exploit that instinct - as well as the children who make the toys.
many people have gotten out of control of themselves with the notion of "must buy" at all costs during this season to help the "poor" merchants, who will not have a good holiday season if we don't fork over vast sums of money.
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