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GannettUSA Today

Thursday, May 17, 2007

Region takes back seat to no one for rude driving

New York City and its environs have the second rudest drivers in the nation, according to an annual road rage survey of 25 metropolitan areas. I demand a recount. There's no way this region isn't No. 1.
Miami claimed the top spot for the second straight year, according to the survey. Portland, Ore., and Pittsburgh, Pa., had the most courteous drivers.
How to explain New York City's mere runnerup status? First, the definition of the New York City metropolitan area must not have included a large enough swath of New Jersey - home to the most obnoxious drivers on the planet. Second, the survey relied on respondents providing honest answers about their own driving habits. Drivers in Miami must have been more willing to self-incriminate.


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