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GannettUSA Today

Friday, April 28, 2006

Put brakes on Corzine plan to ease gas prices

In response to soaring gasoline prices, Gov. Corzine announced Thursday he wants to institute self-service gasoline stations on a trial basis and is considering reducing the maximum speed limit from 65 mph to 55 mph. Both are bad ideas.

If there were any guarantee that allowing self-service stations in New Jersey would actually lower the price at the pump, it would be worth considering. But there isn't. And there is scant evidence from other states that the cost savings derived from self-serve stations are passed along to the consumer. Also, the inconvenience of having to pump your own gas, particularly for the elderly and disabled, cannot be overstated.

As for reducing the speed limit, a better alternative would be to enforce the one now in effect. If people are ignoring the 65 mph limit now, what makes the governor think they will begin complying if the speed limit is reduced to 55 mph?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Relative to Corzine's Self-Serve, lower speed limit suggestions I can only say: Governor, if you want to help...don't help!

10:44 AM, May 01, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

People in NJ should be able to pump their own gas (like motorists in 48 other states can). Let the elderly, the handicapped, the obese, the lazy, the cell phone chatters and the dimwitted use the full-service lanes. Why do I have to subsidize these people more than I already do? Why does this liberal swamp of a state regulate so many aspects of our daily lives? Why do our elected officials treat adults like children?

Oh yeah, and while I am on a rant, why the hell can't I buy a six pack of beer in a supermarket or a convenience store? Jersey sucks!

3:50 PM, May 09, 2006  

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